Positive Parenting

Many of us have encountered numerous parenting styles while growing up. Recent trends in parenting have veered away from the corporal punishment and tough love nature of previous generations. Modern parenting experts are promoting positive parenting and discipline effectiveness and emotional safety. This approach to parenting has been shown to produce children that are happy, peaceful, well-adjusted, and compassionate to their fellow humans. Our providers are strong proponents of this parenting style and are here to help you and your family embrace it.

Discovering Positive Parenting And The Benefits It Provides

The core principle of positive parenting is that children are born with an innate desire to do the right thing. This predisposition is reinforced through mutual respect and a positive approach to discipline. Punishment for past transgressions is deemphasized in favor of promoting better behavior in the future. Positive parenting falls into the category of authoritative parenting; this form of parenting emphasizes high expectations. Done with respect and responsiveness to the child’s emotional needs, this form of parenting often produces the best outcomes.

The benefits of positive parenting include:

  • Reduced Appearance of Behavioral Problems – Studies have shown that children raised using positive parenting have a reduced chance of developing behavioral problems. 
  • Close Parent-Child Relationship – Correcting problem behavior is often accomplished using open communication built on mutual respect. When positive parenting is practiced, power struggles, hostility, and yelling are largely eliminated.
  • Improved Self-Esteem and Mental Health – Those raised with positive parenting tend to have higher self-esteem and fewer cases of mental health concerns. Further, they tend to respond well to adversity and have deeper connections with their family.
  • Better Performance In School – Positive parenting also produces greater academic success in most children raised this way. This reinforces previous studies showing that good parent-child relationships produce better school performance.
  • Greater Social Competence – Social problem-solving and self-efficacy are improved in children raised with positive parenting. Their sense of self trends towards the positive and is generally better adjusted.
  • Greater Parenting Self-Esteem – Parents also benefit from this form of parenting. Those who practice positive parenting exhibit less stress and have greater confidence in their parenting skills. Their children’s improved behavior and discipline contribute to reduced stress levels in the household.

Consultation and guidance on positive parenting are available with our Paragon Pediatrics services.

The Benefits of Positive Parenting With Concierge Pediatric

During your appointments, your provider can discuss the relationship between you and your child at home; This provides significant insight into your relationship and opportunities to help you and your child communicate more effectively. Together you can work on implementing positive parenting in your home. Whether you’re starting your parenting journey or trying to improve your parenting skills, your provider is there to help you thrive. Call today to initiate your journey to a happy, well-adjusted future for your entire family.

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Healthcare and treatment work best when you, the parent, are actively involved in your child’s care.