The first days with your new baby are an incredibly exciting time. Holding your child for the first time and introducing them to the world are wonderful experiences. However, caring for a newborn can be challenging. While resources such as books and the internet can help you prepare, each child is different. You’ll be learning about them, their needs, and how they experience the world with every passing day. Paragon Pediatrics is here to help you navigate this period successfully and establish a happy environment for everyone.
What To Expect During Your First Days Home
It’s common for parents to establish a concept of what their child will look like when it enters the world. However, in the hours after delivery, they’ll likely have a much different appearance than you anticipated. Their skin will be wrinkled and perhaps even mildly fuzzy. They’ll likely be bald, though they may enter the world with a full head of hair. Their head will be somewhat conical due to the forces experienced during their passage through the birth canal. This shape will transition to a more normal shape within a week of childbirth.
Other things you may notice about your child’s appearance at birth may include the following:
- Red marks over their eyelids that fade over time
- Red marks on the back of their neck that fade within their first year.
- White dots on their nose that are known as milia.
- Overdue baby’s skin will often be dry and peeling but will pass without special care.
- Enlarged breasts from exposure to maternal hormones. These will reduce over time.
If your child is born with blue eyes, be aware they may darken and change within the first year. Brown eyes, on the other hand, typically remain that color throughout their lives.
You should expect your baby to sneeze and hiccup frequently during their first days in the world. They can’t blow their nose when they sneeze, making it common for them to experience nasal congestion. This is partly due to the narrowness of their nasal passages, which may seem congested at times, even when clear.
These concerns represent a small subsection of things you may face after bringing a baby home. Paragon Pediatrics’ services can help ease your concerns by providing care and support within your home during your appointments. You and your baby will be able to remain comfortable as Your provider visits your home while performing check-ups and examinations. You’ll have ample opportunity to present your concerns and get answers and support as part of your newborn concierge services.
Ease Your Worries With Paragon Pediatrics
Every new parent is going to worry about the health of their child. With the 24/7 access to your pediatrician with Paragon Pediatrics, you won’t have to wait for answers. Your provider is available to ease your worries, provide helpful guidance, and help you navigate your baby’s most important years. With Paragon Pediatrics, you’ll be receiving personalized care built on one-on-one relationships with your provider. There are no waiting times at your appointments, and you can reach out to them any time of night or day via video chat, text, email, or phone. Call today to discover what Your provider can bring to the new parent experience with Paragon Pediatrics care.